October 7th Events Schedule

DAWN Events Schedule

October 7th, 4:30, Picket, Protest and a Short Play.

Federal Customs Building, 19th and Stout. Join the Allied Witches for a short performance on Afghanistan. Bring Signs, Be Creative, Express Yourself!

March Against The War, step off at 5:30.

This is an un-permitted march. Therefore, we are asking people to obey pedestrian laws and avoid actions which will incur the possibility of harm towards other protesters. We understand that anti-war sentiment encompasses people from many backgrounds coming from many perspectives. Therefore, we are proposing a slightly different strategy for this march. Rather than marching in a tight formation, we encourage protesters to walk in slightly dispersed, small groups based on political affinity. We feel this strategy will enable everyone’s message to stand out while conveying our mutual solidarity against the war. We encourage people to bring their own signs/props/costumes, reflecting their own feelings about the wars, its causes, ramifications, tangents, etc.

From the Federal Building, MC Glen Spaguolo will lead the march down Stout St. to the 16th Street Mall. From here, we turn left and walk up the 16th Street Mall towards Broadway. After crossing Broadway and head towards 16th and Sherman for a short demonstration in front of a military recruiting station. Then towards Colfax and Broadway for one last hurrah before heading towards the Mercury Cafe, 2199 California St, for a special after event.

Justice and Peace Jamboree

Mercury Cafe, 2199 California Street, 7:00pm

Join DAWN for a night of radical, social justice oriented dialogue.

Featuring the award winning ten minute play, Seven Jewish Children; speakers from the Denver Anti-War Network, World Can’t Wait, the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement, Denver Anarchist Black Cross and more; spoken word and musical performances by Nick Victory, the Golden Soldiers, and Lenny C. with the Dreaming Machines.

Donations accepted. Free event, free food!


7:05 Introduction, MC Glen Spaganulo

7:10 Mark Cohen, speaking for Denver Anti-War Network

7:20 Seven Jewish Children, a Play for Gaza. written by Carolyn Churchill, directed by Terry Burnsted

7:40 Nick Victory Poet

7:50 Speaking Slot for representative of Walk for Gaza

8:00 Lenny C. and the Dreaming Machines, Spoken Word with Experimental Music

8:35 Renee Sandefer, speaker for World Can’t Wait

8:45 Open Mic Session, speak your mind, talk about what your’re doing or want to be done

9:10 the Golden Soldiers, Hip Hop

9:45 Speaking slot for the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement

9:55 Speaking Slot for Denver Anarchist Black Cross

10:05 Open Mic

10:20 Goodnight by Glen Spags, Announce next meeting

10:30— We encourage people to hang out and network. There will be a space for literature for anyone whose involved in radical, progressive organizing locally or internationally. The Mercury Cafe serves delicious local organic food until 11pm and their bar is open until 12:30am.

Press release 1

While much of the country’s attention is focused on the domestic health-care debate, one Denver coalition will be protesting the escalating conflict in Afghanistan. The “March for Real Change” will take place of Oct. 7th, on the eight year anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. “Change your hope into action, stop Obama’s wars,” will be the focus of the demonstration, says local activist, Mark Cohen. “Though he promised change, Obama is leading the country deeper into a quagmire in Afghanistan with no end in sight.”

Cohen and other Denver-area activists have come together and formed the group, the Denver Anti-War Network. Along with a street protest against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Denver Anti-War Network is planning an after event, the Justice and Peace Jamboree. It will be a free event featuring free food, music, poetry and speakers from ongoing radical and social justice-oriented projects. “We want to bring people together, present them opportunities to plug into the social justice organizing that is happening and open a space where constructive dialogue can take place, leading to a more active and vibrant anti-war left.”

The “March for Real Change” begins at 4pm at the Federal Courthouse on 19th and Stout in downtown Denver. The Justice and Peace Jamboree begins at 7pm at Quixote’s (2637 Welton St.). The Denver Anti-War Network can be reached by contacting Mark Cohen at denverantiwarnet@gmail.com.

Open Community Discussion

On Monday, August 31st at 6:30 pm, join the Denver Anti-War Network and area radicals for a discussion on the anti-war movement.

We will be discussing the role and direction of the anti-war movement and detailing plans of the October 7th anti-war protest. Come and get plugged in, or discuss the work you and your comrades are already doing.

What: Open Discussion on the Anti-War Movement

When: Monday, August 31st 6:30pm

Where: Mercury Cafe, 2199 California St

Who: The Denver Anti-War Network, the local anti-war Left and you

See you there


Turn Your “Hope” to Action/ Stop Obama’s Wars

Wednesday, October 7 (Anniversary of the Invasion of Afghanistan)
4:00 pm Federal Courthouse, 19th & Stout, Denver

The wars did not end in January. Civilians are still dying. Billions of dollars are still being wasted. And the Obama administration is escalating the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the attacks on Pakistan, not ending them. Only a truly independent anti-war movement, beholden to neither of the two corporate parties, can end them.

Join the Denver Anti-War Network to help revitalize that movement.

The Plan: Meet at the Federal Courthouse at 4 pm. At 4:45, after a short gathering, we will march down the 16th Street Mall to raise awareness about the wars. We will hold a brief demonstration at a military recruitment station at 16th & Sherman, and end with a demonstration at Colfax and Broadway. The goal is to spread the message that the wars are still going on and they are still wrong, no matter who is in the White House. We encourage everyone to elaborate on that message as they see fit.

This will be an unpermitted march, so we will march on the sidewalk and obey traffic signals.

After the march, join us for a “JUSTICE AND PEACE JAMBOREE” at Quixotes, 2637 Welton in historic Five Points. Several bands (TBA) will perform in an all-ages show. Groups are invited to bring information and speak about their programs.

ALSO: Please join us Monday, August 31 at the Mercury Café, 2199 California, for a community meeting to talk about rebuilding a broad-based anti-war movement in Colorado.


Talking Points

1) Obama promised to end the occupation of Iraq, instead he appears to be laying the ground for a continued US presence; the army chief of staff, Gen. George Casey, has said the military is preparing to keep troops there for another ten years

2) Meanwhile, Obama is not only escalating the occupation of Afghanistan, but continuing and escalating drone attacks on Pakistan, both resulting in continuing civilian deaths, which only create more anger toward the US

3)More generally, Obama has “changed” virtually nothing in US foreign policy. He continues to support the American empire in the same way Bush did, and the same way both democrats and republicans have for two centuries

4)We need to recognize that neither party will end the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, nor any other aspect of American imperialism. Too many “antiwar” groups were co-opted by Obama and the Democrats in 2008. We cannot allow that to continue. We need to build truly independent movements in this country that don’t rely on electoral politics to change a corrupt system, that don’t support either of the two corporate parties, but that stay focused on ending US wars of aggression, and fighting for the needs of ordinary people here at home

The Denver Anti-War Network/October 7th

The Denver Anti-War Network is a coalition of local groups and individuals dedicated to stopping U.S. aggression and occupation in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.

Under the leadership of Barack Obama, the ‘War on Terror’ has continued. Involving the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, military strikes in Pakistan and provocations and interventionism towards countries around the world, Obama is advancing the aggressive foreign policy set forth by George W. Bush. Today, under Barack Obama, U.S. military personnel and private armed contractors are present in almost every country around the world. We unconditionally oppose the continuation or initiation of U.S. military involvement anywhere.

While U.S. military involvement continues throughout the world, vocal anti-war sentiment has noticeably declined inside America. While much of the world continues to oppose America’s wars and interventions, much of the former anti-war left, as part of a general adulation of Barack Obama, has been brought into quiet compliance with America’s global military role. Whereas people everywhere rightly protested and demonstrated against the Bush’s initiation of these wars, since the election of Barack Obama, an unsettling normalacy has taken hold within the United States. We reject this trend and oppose the idea that continued and expanded wars and occupations are normal or acceptable.

Therefore, on Wednesday, October 7th we will infringe upon this false normalcy. Join us in downtown Denver as we bring together a vibrant, peaceful demonstration in opposition to the occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq and well as U.S. military involvement elsewhere. Join us as we tell our neighbors and the world that the wars are still happening and they are still wrong.

Save the Date

4pm on October 7th, 2009

the Denver Anti-War Network